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Document Library

Summary Plan Description (SPD)

A written Summary Plan Description (SPD) for each separate welfare benefit plan communicating plan rights and obligations to participants and beneficiaries. These documents contain ERISA wrapper language, along with the certificate of insurance to constitute a SPD.

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Plan Booklet - HMO 10 $8/$14

An easy to understand summary of the HMO 10 $8/$14 plan’s benefits and coverage, including coverage examples, which show you what the plan would cover in common medical situations. 

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Plan Booklet - HMO 2 $1/$3

An easy to understand summary of the HMO 2 $1/$3 plan’s benefits and coverage, including coverage examples, which show you what the plan would cover in common medical situations. 

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Plan Booklet - HMO Flex C1F1 $10/$20/$35

An easy to understand summary of the HMO Flex C1F1 benefits and coverage, including coverage examples, which show you what the plan would cover in common medical situations. 

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Basic Dental Summary

​Overview of the dental plan

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$100 Vision Program Summary

Overview of the vision plan

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